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Resenso AG

Bahnhofstrasse 87
3232 Ins (Bern)
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Details zu Firma Resenso AG

Solutions in the field of Sensor Technology, Resistance Technology, Joysticks and Pressure Sensors

Resenso AG in 3232 Ins

Manufacturer of a wide range of sensors for measuring angle and displacement, speed, temperature and pressure. These include potentiometers (variable resistors) with conductive plastic and wire wound technology, as well as LVDTs (Linear Variable Differential Transducers), or contactless sensors based on Hall and Giant Magneto Resistance (GMR), Anisotropic Magneto Resistance (AMR) technologies. We offer solutions in various designs, housings, different axis variants, including hollow shaft solutions and different degrees of protection, IP54, IP64, IP65, IP67, IP68, IP69.


Also, in our joysticks these different technologies are used. We provide worldwide optimal customer-specific solutions with high quality products and manufacture them to the desired standard. Industry, automotive or aerospace.

Our products are used across a wide range of industries, including electronics, material handling, agriculture, infrastructure, energy, automotive, HVAC, locomotives, automation technology, medical technology, process industries (e.g., process control equipment), textiles, printing, aerospace, plastics processing, construction equipment, off-road vehicles, professional kitchens, cinema industry animation, and test and measurement equipment.


Our Products

We are your partner for creative, customized high-quality solutions.

Our strength, application-related development, combining the 3 major capabilities needed for a complete sensor-system: sensor element – engineered packaging – signal transportation enables our business partners to find the optimal solutions and benefits.


Why Choose Us

We provide worldwide optimal customer-specific solutions with high-quality products and manufacture them to the desired standard. Industry, Automotive or Aerospace.

We distinguish ourselves by proactive engagement with a large number of customers, with applications in the industry, automation, automotive, electric vehicle, agricultural and construction machinery, medical technology, metrology, wind and solar energy, and aerospace industries and we have a wealth of application knowledge. With more than 20 years of experience and a broad product portfolio, Resenso is a strong and preferred partner in the European and global marketplace



Applications include motion control in forklifts, wheelchairs, excavators, robotic arms, prosthetics, attitude control of spacecraft, wind and hydroelectric turbines, hospital beds, and radiation devices; valve position feedback, bag winders, flight simulators; throttle, aileron, and rudder control; throttle and braking in locomotives; position feedback in automation and plastic molding machines; ink control in printing; temperature control; throttle position and fuel level sensors in automobiles; mirror position; guide vane position in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning; aircraft seat positioning; hydraulic cylinder and actuator positioning; measuring instruments; fuel consumption measurement in aircraft; steering angle measurement; position control in animated characters in films;

battery temperature measurement in electric vehicles (EVs); gas or speed pedals; throttle grips for bicycles; speed control in stationary power plants; boost pressure measurement; crane boom angle measurement; and current control in welding machines and earth movement sensors.


Together with our skilled partners worldwide, we strive to realize these solutions with an outstanding cost-benefit ratio. We look forward to applying these strengths with you for a successful partnership.“

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Keywords zu Firma Resenso AG

#Potentiometers #Angle sensors #Contactless sensors #Linear position sensors #LVDTs-Linear Variable Differential Transducers #Joy sticks #Conductive plastic angle sensors #Conductive plastic #Wire angle sensors with servo mount #Conductive plastic hollow shaft potentiometers #Cermet potentiometers

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Resenso AG in 3232 Ins auf Bailaho Österreich / Austria

Umseitige Firma Resenso AG aus 3232 Ins in der B2B-Firmensuche Bailaho für Österreich / Austria: Firma Resenso AG ist in und für Österreich Anbieter, Lieferant, Händler, Großhändler, Hersteller, Produzent und / oder Dienstleister für die Leistungen und Produkte, Branchen und Anwendungsbereiche, die bei den Keywords oder in der Firmenbeschreibung aufgezählt sind, wie Potentiometers, Angle sensors, Contactless sensors, Linear position sensors und LVDTs-Linear Variable Differential Transducers.

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 Potentiometers,  Angle sensors,  Contactless sensors,  Linear position sensors und  LVDTs-Linear Variable Differential Transducers Firmen Österreich Austria: Resenso AG 3232 Ins

Resenso AG
Bahnhofstrasse 87
3232 Ins (Bern)

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